Where is the master list now?

After the billionth blog migration I moved it here.

One day I might update it and make it somewhat semi-comprehensive. I used it myself a couple of times and I’m seeing the purpose, but I need to bring myself together to do it.

Master list what? How had the site started?

I initially created a blog where I planned to gradually review all important books of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1572-1795) on its politics and ideology. (I had then only a vague idea of the true scope of this.) Maybe, in the very long run, I will kind of accomplish this.

What is the stated purpose of the site now?

Okay, so I’ve decided to cover my various interests in a looser manner. These can concern republican states since Antiquity until, potentially, the present day. Chiefly the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, of course, but also Venice, Florence, Novgorod, Switzerland, Netherlands, the English Revolution, the lineage that stretches to the United States and revolutionary France.

There’s also the next part in the 19th century, when republican radicalism lives its new adventures in the world of ruling aristocratic reaction (on the European continent), the industrial revolution in its full swing, and rising socialist and nationalist movements.

I like political history, the big events and mechanisms of decisions. Equally, I value topics of society, culture, ideology, underlying mentalities and Overton windows.

What if I’m not able to comment? How to contact you?

I know that in the fight against random link spammers sometimes the casualties are normal readers. The preferred way to contact me as to write to the address oldrep (at) protonmail.ch.

Can the older posts contain some inaccuracies and oversimplifications?

To some degree yes. This site chronicles my process of learning.

That said, I reviewed my posts during the latest migration (~2019) and haven’t noticed anything particularly egregious. Also notice that history is not only a discipline of facts, but also of their readings and interpretations; there are inevitably disagreements (also between the past and present me). If you want me to issue corrections for facts or revisit my interpretations, you know how to contact me.

— Tyberiusz Maszyński / Popiel.

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